Friday, November 7, 2008

At Times Marketing Can Come Easy

Something interesting and flattering happened to me this past Thursday. Actually, it counts more as a compliment I suppose. I paid a visit to my local Christian book store to pick up the latest copy of one of my favorite author's books. The store had been my second book signing host. I was browsing the fiction section and the owner of the store came over to say hello and assist me. We had interesting conversation about the author since she is a local to us, and he had hosted a signing event for her when he was manager of a Family Christian store.

I told him that the author of the book I was purchasing was a real inspiration to aspiring Christian fiction writers and a very good author. Then I thanked him again for his support. He said that I was most welcome, and also welcomed to come back anytime.

I then remembered he had ordered 10 books for that event and they sold quickly. He then got his copy from behind the desk to use as display for back orders. In a small town such as the one that I live in, a first time author doing that well is a boon to the author's reputation. Also, at that event his manager told me that she had read Weapons of Light and enjoyed it very much. I was humbled and blessed by her comment.

Back to this past Thursday, I mentioned to the owner that I had signings in a neighboring city at Border's the 15th of November and possible one at B&N in Jan--but that I thought a spring signing for his store would be a good repeat time for a Weapons of Light event. He agreed.

After I returned home, I remembered that Weapons of Light has a very compelling Easter sermon near the dramatic ending. I was so blessed, because I can alert my Tate marketing rep to set the date the week or so before Easter, and I can use the Holiday as a great Easter gift idea, promotion tool. And I'm sure that the store will probably follow up on the idea.

Write on!

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