According to some scholars Jesus was probably born sometime during the spring--possibly around March. Also according to some studies, the early church may have believed that Jesus was crucified the same day of the month as His birth. All very interesting and can most likely be disputed by many. Also, it's common knowledge among the Christian circle that during the early years, Dec. 25th, was set as a date to celebrate the birth of Jesus to counter a pagan holiday that was widely celebrated. And later President Ulysses S. Grant recognized Christmas as a national holiday in 1870.
John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and whosoever believes in Him will should not perish but have everlasting life. (NKJV)
I like to say that Father God gave and gave and gave and never stopped giving when He sent His prescious Son. In that tiny bundle that would be both a joy and heartbreak for His mother, was the Word made flesh. He was Genesis to Revelation, the Alpha and the Omega, and He walked among us for 33 years. He was God incarnate, born of a virgin so that we could have eternal life through a pure redemptive blood sacrifice for the atonement of sin and enable us to partake of the goodness of Heaven while here on earth.
The name above every name was born a tiny bundle, a gift from God, who contained all the knowledge, power and authority of Heaven, yet He rendered Himself human and became totally dependant as a babe. He would voluntarily endure all to fulfill the prophetic promises of His Father. The true name of Jesus the Messiah, is unique to only Him, in that it is the only name of Jesus that can forgive sin, work miracles and provide a way to God. I drop of the blood of Jesus has more power than any bomb that can be made by man.
If you are among the those who confess Jesus the Messiah as your Lord, and are spiritually born again, you are destined for greatness. I don't mean greatness as the world knows greatness. It is your daily sacrifice of service to the Lord that counts in Heaven. It's how you use your gifts and talent that the Lord has given you for His service.
If you are a pastor, it's not how big your church building is or how many you shepard, it's how you lead your flock that counts in Heaven. If you are a generous person with tithes and love offerings, it's not how much, it's the motivation of your heart that counts in Heaven. If you are a person of service in the ministry of helps, it's not the service to be seen of man, but your heart motivation as unto the the Lord that counts in Heaven. If we do obtain great wealth and greatness before men, our heart's desire should be to give back into ministry to further the gospel. You need to recognize who you are and just how important you are to God. Pursue your Heavenly greatness with a zeal and pure heart--your rewards will be waiting for you.
Yes, you are great in the Kingdom of Heaven no matter what your service as long as it's with a heart that says: I must decrease and you increase Lord.. And frankly I would rather be counted as a good and faithful servant, than have all that the world has to offer.
What is vastly important is that true Christians' persevere in faith, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. We live in an evil and corrupt society that has turned it's back on all that is proclaimed Christian and it is up to us to keep the flame of hope burning for a lost and dying world.
Jesus came as a small bundle of vast power, walked the earth, died, and rose with all power and authority. And before He ascended to Heaven he left with us the same power through His Name to defeat Satan, set the captive free, give sight to the blind and heal the sick. His last commandment to us was to take the Gospel into all the world.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a totally awesome greatness New Year!
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