Sunday, September 22, 2013

In Him?

As a minister of the Word, I am deeply concerned with the current political and spiritual atmosphere of our nation and the world in general. I am grieved by the darkness and deceit that prevails throughout the US.

Of course, there are some, who will scoff at this blog entry. Scoff all you want, the truth will eventually catch up with those who laugh and call Christians and Jews weird, stupid and out of touch. Hopefully the truth will set you free, if not my heart goes out to you. The feel good sermons, without the message of Jesus crucified, will not gain you entrance to Heaven. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. (John 14:6)

Jesus Christ, who died for all of us, deserves our highest praise. Acts 17:28a tells us “for in Him we live and move and have our being.” Who are you? Better yet, where are you? Where are you located spiritually? If you are spiritually born again who or what do you identify with?

The hurting and spiritually lost people of the world are watching true Christians, and we are responsible for how they view us. You are either in or out. If you are in, you are bound for eternal life and joy. If you are out, you are among the walking dead lost forever for rejecting Jesus. Yes, Hell is a real place.

To the Christians’ reading this, trust me; spiritually dead people know a fake when they see one. So it’s important that we show them Jesus. Our power of show and tell hinges on being in Christ; experiencing the full power of His Holy Spirit that we have claim to, as His joint heirs.

If you do not call Jesus Christ your savior, and have never made a commitment to Him, I employ you to give Him consideration. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. I promise if you are sincere in your request, God will make it happen. It does not matter your social or economic status. Jesus Christ died for all. >THINK<

Timeless Truth: John 3:16