Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's Official!

What wonderful news to report! (Don’t you just love good reports?).

It’s now official. My new novel, yet untitled, has been reviewed and passed by my acquisitions editor, and will begin production sometime in the early New Year. How exciting!

To fully understand my excitement you would have to know me personally and the sometime bizarre circumstances of my life course. Since you are not privy to that, let me just say that God is awesome and His mercy endures forever! In all things, I have been victorious and blessed. Plus, now, I am at liberty to use the obvious gift of writing that the Lord so generously bestowed on me.

Since English and writing were not my majors or minors while in school and the little college education I did manage to attain, focused mainly on business economics -- the gift of writing can definitely be attributed wholly to God. That being said let me say this: as I wrote in my profile, I’ve always loved to put pen to paper and come up with prose, but the timing and circumstances just wasn’t manifest until I was of a mature adult age. This proves to me yet again, that God’s timing in our lives cannot be underestimated. If we are patient, He will fulfill his purpose for us.

Timing: God often uses some of His children to help others. If we look at the comment I just made, from a Christina perspective, me being a late blooming author, in a very competitive hard to break into publishing world--Tate, I feel, was used to help me attain the goal and degree of success as an author that the Lord intends for me.

So, I’ll close this blog entry with: Thanks to all of my supporters who happen to read this, and thanks once again to Tate, for making my little star shine brighter.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ann Finally Makes Another Blog Entry!

I have, not a vengeful envy, but an awesome envy of those who are able to make daily, or even weekly contributions to their Blog. Writers write, right? Well, this writer is terribly inconsistence when it comes to blog entries. As I stated in my first entry, I’m an occasional blogger. My entries can vary from one day to months. Boring huh? Thank God, my efforts to write books are better than my efforts to blog.

 My first novel is doing well considering its short life in publication, thanks mostly to my marketing rep. My 2nd novel is pending acquisitions review. Whatever the outcome is, I am and will always be grateful to God for His loving kindness.

Merry Christmas everyone!