Saturday, February 14, 2009

Review of "The Shack"

In between working on my latest novel and waiting for April to start working with my editor and entering production of my second novel with Tate Publishers, I have been reading. I just last night, finished reading "The Shack" by William P. Young.

I gave “The Shack” a 4 star rating because of originality and the fact that it held my interest, AFTER the foreword. My concern is that due to the style of writing it would be easy for some to forget that it is a work of fiction, and should be read as such. I have no doubt that supernatural encounters, dreams, and experiences do happen with God, because I personally believe with God all things are possible. However, usually those experiences line-up with the biblical depiction of how God does things.

I think it is great that the author stresses the need to depart from the religious ideologies and the impossible task of trying to live by the old testament laws. But instead, depend on the Grace of God--after all that is why Jesus came, to free us from religious bondage and the need to feel we must be perfect to please God. However, the author’s fictional way, in my opinion, leans more toward fantasy and new age philosophy, than the basic New Testament Gospel message.

The crust of the story is beautiful and impressive. How to reconcile and improve one's relationship with God, through Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, after some horrible thing has happened to make one angry with, and untrusting of God, by way of the “why do bad things happen to good people syndrome.” If you enjoy reading well written fiction, then by all means, read “The Shack.” But if you are adamant about how God reveals Himself, according to the Bible, then you may be a bit turned off by the “The Shack.”

When writing reviews, my goal is respect for fellow authors and their craft, along with truth in my opinion as a reader. On a personal level, as a Christian, I cannot endorse "The Shack." Even though it is fiction, as I said, it strays too far from the basic gospel message of the Bible. As a Christian fiction author, I always try to remain true to the message of Jesus as I "hear it" from the Word of God.